Imagine Inc.


Quality Produces Results

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St Michael-Albertville Schools

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St Michael-Albertville Schools contracted with Beth Holsen of Imagine Design to create new logos, pillars and brand standards for the district. Once the new branding was in place, she worked with them to create several print pieces including a new template for their Community Education brochure. The new Community Education brochure was awarded the highest honor from the National Public Relations Association - The Award of Excellence!

ISD One91 Burnsville-Eagan-Savage

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“Beth has years of experience in the field of education, coupled with her sharp design and marketing skills... the perfect formula for success!”
~ Jennifer Gardner, Enrichment Program Coordinator, ISD 191 - Burnsville, Eagan Savage

ISD 191 initially wanted a new design and templates for their documents- then a year later needed those designs rebranded to mirror their district brand. Imagine Design worked with them throughout the process redesigning all of their main brochures and creating collateral pieces (logos, t-shirts, fliers, postcards, registration packets). The feedback was great and each of those publications won National School Public Relations Association Awards, Including an Award of Excellence in 2017.

Tri-District Community Education

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“Beth did an awesome job quickly filling in for my marketing and communications person and even helped train in the new marketing person that I hired. During the transition she worked well with my staff, the vendors and made many suggestions to help save money and improve the overall look of many of our publications. She kept me in the loop while she worked with my staff and always checked with me before making any major changes to publications. Her skills are excellent and I recommend her highly. ”
~ Bernadette MacKenzie, Director, Tridistrict Community Education

The main design and communications person for Tridistrict Community Education, accepted a new job just before all of the winter publications needed to be completed. Beth stepped in to fill the void until they could hire a new person for that position. During a 3 month period, she managed projects, working with over 20 different staff members from three school districts and numerous different programs. She completed 25 brochures, updated and redesigned templates and trained the new staff person when he was hired.

North Branch Area Public Schools

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“Beth Holsen of Imagine Design assisted us in creating our new brand standards navigating the process brilliantly, from raw idea to fruition. She worked with us to create a logo, brand messaging, pillars and promise. North Branch Area Public Schools now has a great logo and brand that has quickly been adopted by our community due in no small part to her abilities.”
~ Patrick Tepoorten, Community Relations Coordinator, North Branch Area Public Schools

North Branch Area Schools wanted to recreate their brand. Beth worked with the Superintendant, Public Relations, Community Education and Athletics Directors and their Tech Supervisor, to create brand pillars, logos, messaging, design standards and several documents. They use those brand standards for all of their communications, and won a National School Public Relations Association Award for that branding package.

LERN GenX Conference Brochure

“Just got my copies of the brochure you did for us. It looks terrific! Nice job. Thanks for all the work, and ideas, and great layout and design. I really like the way you incorporated the words into the cover photo, plus the light bulb on fire, and the chart of concurrent sessions is a new look we probably will use again in the future, it is very clear and easy to read. Thanks.”
~William A. Draves, President, Learning Resources Network (LERN)

LERN wanted to increase conference registrations by specifically targeting GenXers with additional options and marketing materials. They contracted with Beth Holsen of Imagine Design to create a conference brochure to use as a target marketing piece for that population. They also used marketing strategies from that brochure to help promote the conference on their web site. When the conference was complete, LERN realized their second highest overall conference registration and the most GenXers ever registered.

View full GenX conference brochure

White Bear Lake Area Schools

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Beth Holsen of Imagine Design worked with White Bear Lake Area Schools for over a decade. During that time their Community Education brochure won 1 state and 1 national award. She also created the youth Summer of Fun brochure and the Early Childhood Guide - both consolidated multiple documents into one that showcased all the great things their district offered. And both won national awards for those publications!

ECFE Redesign, Branding
& Template Creation

South Washington County Schools



  New Parent Connection - After

  New Parent Connection - Before

When South Washington County Schools ECFE updated their design software they decided to create a whole new look for their publications. The goal was to create attractive, effective and appealing documents which had a consistent look and were easy to update. Each of the publications was created using consistent colors, styles and branding strategies. Templates and training were provided for staff so they could easily update and maintain the documents. Before and After versions are included below.



  Single Parent Bookmarks After

  Single Parent Bookmarks Before

  New Parent Insert After

  New Parent Insert Before

  New Parent Connection After

  New Parent Connection Before

  Hospital Baby Brochure After

  Hospital Baby Brochure Before

  Baby Trifold After

  Baby Trifold Before

  Baby Bookmarks After

  Baby Bookmarks Before

Catalog Redesign, Template Creation
& InDesign Training

The following districts wanted a fresh, effective design for their documents, and needed files that they could maintain in-house after the design was completed.

Documents were redesigned and set up as InDesign templates for use by school district staff. The templates automated several aspects of the design and provided a design framework so that staff could easily maintain complex documents. The template set up included redesign of the documents, automation of type and object styles, master page set up, auto page numbering, and training in InDesign as well as follow-up helpline services.

Forest Lake Area Schools



“Beth helped to give our publication a new look which has been well received by our community. Our team was very pleased with her work and the expertise she brought to the project.”
~Julie Ohman, Forest Lake Area Schools, Community Education Director

Publications and narrative Copyright 2020 by Imagine Design & Creative Consulting.
All rights reserved.